21 July 2008

lowongan @ tupperware

A premium household product international company needs result oriented and high achiever professionals with good interpersonal skills for the following positions:

Specific Requirements

  • . Candidate must possess at least a Bechelor's Degree (S1) any discipline with relevant experiences
  • . At least 3 years of working experience in Warehouse & Distribution/ Logistics
  • . Minimum 28 year of age
  • . Willing to assign out of Jakarta

Specific Requirements

  • . S1 Accouting degree from a reputable university
  • . At least 3 years' experience in Management Accounting/Cost Accounting
  • . Have knowledge of standard costing
  • . Familiar with ERP system such as JDE

Specific Requirements

  • . Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (S1)or S2 majoring in Marketing/Business or any discipline with relevant experiences
  • . At least 4-5 years of working experience in Brand Management with Product Development in Fast Moving Consumer Goods.
  • . Prefer +/- 30 years of age

Qualified candidates are invited to e-mail comprehensive resume along with latest photo within 1 (one) month after issue of this ad to below address:

hrd_indonesia@tupperware. com

Please indicate position code on the email subject

All applications are treated confidentially. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview and computer test.

lowongan @ BSI


Kajur Public Relations
. Pemdidikan S1/S2 - Purel/Humas
. Usia 25-35 tahun
. Memiliki visi dan kemampuan untuk mengembangkan jurusan
. Berpengalaman di dunia pendidikan
. Penempatan Jakarta

Staf Personalia
. Pend. S1/S2 - psikologi/Hukum
. Usia 25-35 tahun
. Lebih di sukai yang berpengalaman di bidang HRD
. Memahami peraturan perundang-undangan ketenagakerjaan
. Penempatan Jakarta

Dosen Tetap/Honorer
. Pendidikan S1/S2 - Ilmu Komputer,Ilmu Komunikasi, Bhs. Inggris, Bhs. Indonesia, Bhs.Cina, Sekretari,Manajemen Administrasi, Akuntansi,Statistik ,Agama Islam
. Usia 25-35 tahun
. Berpengalaman mengajar
. Full/Part time
. Penempatan Jabodetabek, Cikarang,Karawang, Cikampek

Instruktur Lab
. Pendidikan S1/D3 - Komputer, Bhs Inggris, Bhs China,Broadcasting, Advertising
. Usia max.25 tahun. IPK min 2,75
. Punya kemampuan mengajar
. Bisa full time
. Penempatan Jabodetabek, Cikarang, Karawang, Cikampek

Menara Salemba
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 5 Jakarta Pusat 10440
email : sdm@bsi.ac.id



1. Marketing Executive ME
. Pria/Wanita, Single maks,26 tahun.
. Min. D3 dari segala jurusan (Diutamakan Ekonomi/Komunikasi)
. Lebih disukai yang mempunyai kemampuan bersosialisasi

2. Operation Supervisor OS
. Wanita,Single, Usia maksimal 26 tahun
. Minimal S1 segala jurusan.
. Fresh graduate atau non pengalaman.

3. Sales Asisten SA
. Wanita,Single, Usia maksimal 24 tahun
. Minimal SMU/Sederajat.

Jl. Limo 40, Permata Hijau - Senayan
Jakarta 12220
E-mail : Recruitment_CFU@pharos.co.id
info : 021-7200981 ext.209 (Dias atau Vita)


Group Tempo yang berdiri sejak tahun 1953 adalah sebuah kelompok usaha
yang bergerak di bidang produksi,distribusi ,dan pemegang Lisensi dari
produk-produk Farmasi,Nutrasetika l,Perawatan Kesehatan, Kosmetika,dan
minuman ringan dengan merek-merek terkenal lain seperti:
hemaviton,bodrexin, bodrex, NEO Rheumacyl, Oskadon,
vidoran,REVLON, ESTEE LAUDER,CLINIQUE, Marina,MY BABY,claudia, Total
Care,SOS,PRITHO, Exclusive Barclay,Fraser & Neave (F&N), dan
Dalam rangka pengembangan jaringan distribusi,kami mengundang
professional muda yang menyukai tantangan dan berdedikasi tinggi untuk
bergabung " The Winning Team" untuk mengisi posisi:

1. Corporate Sales Supervisor (CSS)2. Sales Supervisor (SSU)3. Salesman
(SLM)4. Warehouse & Distribution Supervisor (WDS)5. Warehouse
Coordinator (WCO)6. Warehouse Admin.Staff (WAS)7. Deliveryman (DLM)8.
Accounting & Administration Staff (AAS)9. Finance & Accounting
Supervisor (FAS)10.Internal Audit Supervisor (IAS)11.Internal Audit
Staff (IAU)12.Organizatio n Development Manager (ODM)13.Industrial
Relation Supervisor (IRS)


Pendidikan :-S1 Management min. IPK :2.8 (utk no.1,2,4); D3 IPK min.
2.8(utk.no.3& 5);SMU (utk.6&7)-S1 Accounting min.IPK:3.0 (utk.no.8-11) ;
S1 Management/Psikolog i/Hukum (utk. no.12&13)

Pengalaman :-No.1-9, min.2 tahun pada posisi yang sama di perusahaan
distribusi farmasi/consumer goods.-No.10& 11 lebih diutamakan dari
kantor akuntan publik/internal auditor.-No. 12-13, min. 3th pada posisi
sama di perusahaan nasional/multinatio nal,(no.12) menguasai Org.Dev

Skill :-Bisa mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Word,Excel, Power point)
kecuali no.3&7Penempatan :-No.1 s.d 9 diBogor,Purwokerto, Pangkal
Pinang, Banda Aceh dan kota-kota lain di seluruh Indonesia.-No. 9-13 di
Jakarta dan bersedia ditugaskan ke seluruh Indonesia

Kirimkan surat lamaran dan CV serta pas foto terbaru dengan
mencantumkan Kode jabatan dan kota yang anda minati pada kiri atas
amplop ke :

Human Resources Development Dept.THE TEMPO GROUP-DISTRIBUTION
DIVISIONGd. Bina Mulia I Lt.4 Jl.HR Rasuna Said Kav. 11 Jakarta
12950Atau Email: sugengpribadi@thetempogroup.net
Paling lambat 2 minggu
setelah iklan ini terbit

lowongan @ Ikon RestoCafe

Ikon RestoCafe, berdiri tahun 2004 lokasi di kuningan jakarta selatan.
sedang mencari Cook helper.
1. Wanita / Pria
2. Umur tidak lebih dari 30
3. Diutamakan berpengalaman
4. Minimal SMU atau SMIP
Kandidat yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi seperti yang dicantumkan dapat mengirimkan CV dan foto terbaru dengan melalui email dengan alamat reeyo82@yahoo.com atau kirim langsung ke Ikon RestoCafe Jl Kawi No 48 Jakarta Selatan
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses

lowongan HR Admin Staff


Best Plantations, a group of companies operating in palm oil plantations is looking for experienced & qualified candidates to fill in the following position:

HR Admin Staff


* Age maximum 28 years old
* Bachelor degree, Fresh graduated are welcome
* Have excellent computer skills
* Detail, discipline and good coordination


1. Salary
2. Bonus
3. THR
4. Medical Insurance
5. Transport Allowance
6. Meal

Please send your complete resume + PHOTOGRAPH to:



Paint Shop Specialist ( Distributor Painting Machine & Service After Sales )




1. Male
2. Maximum 35 years old
3. SMU/D3/S1 from any discipline
4. Fluent in Mandarin (Speaking, writing, and reading ) is a must
5. Have own transportation & driver’s license

Notes: Location of work at Kawasan Industry MM 2100, Cikarang

Please write your expected salary in your application

Application and CV by Post only to:

Human Resources Department

Jl. Reporter D57 Komp. Cipinang Muara

Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur



PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

Administration Staff (Outsourcing)

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team, and grow with us.


  • Hold minimum D3 Degree.
  • Preferably Female, age between 20 to 22 years old.
  • Good looking, good interpersonal skill, and communicative.
  • Hard worker, able to work in routine/monotone tasks accurately, have initiative.
  • Fluent in English (both written and oral).
  • Computer literate.

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite you to join our team, and grow with us.

Please submit your complete application letter Before August 19th, 2008 to:

HRD-GA Division

Gd.Nissan MT.Haryono 3rd floor
Jl. MT.Haryono Kav.10 Jakarta Timur 13330
(Code: Admin)

Or via email:
(Subject: Admin)

Only short listed candidates who meet requirement will be notified.

lowongan @ Modern Group

Modern Group has offer 25 Company in China, Vietnam, India and Indonesia Location around the World. We Have many Business between of Manufacture, Service ( Harapan Bangsa International School ), Trading (Pigeon Cosmetic, Frame Photo, Camera, Fuji Film, E-moto, etc) Real estate, Financial Services and Automotive

We have immediate opening for :

Teacher Assistant

Qualification :

  1. Female
  2. Min D3 preferably in field related to children education
  3. Age around 25 years
  4. Able to speak English
  5. Experience as a teacher
  6. Will be place at Tangerang ( Perum Kota Modern )


Qualification :

  1. S2 Psychology major counseling or
  2. S1 Psychology have experience as a counselor in Junior/ Senior High School
  3. Age around 30 years
  4. Fluent in oral & written English
  5. will be place at Tangerang

IT Maintenance

Qualification :

  1. Male
  2. S1 Information Technology or equivalent
  3. Age around 30 years
  4. Have 1 year experience in the same position
  5. Will be Placed at Pondok Cabe, South Jakarta

Please submit your application in English along with the resume, copy of certificates, and recent photograph to :

HRD Modern Group

Jl. Hartono Raya

Hall Ruko Perum Kota Modern

Tangerang 15117

Email : nova_moderngroup@yahoo.co.id