05 June 2008

lowongan @ PT Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk

PT Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk. Kanwil Jakarta 1 membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putri terbaik Indonesia yang mempunyai integritas tinggi,ulet, dan kompeten untuk bergabung dan mengisi posisi Associate Account Officer


  • .Pendidikan minimal S1 semua fakultas/jurusan terakreditasi
  • .Berasal dari PTN/PTS terkenal
  • .IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4)
  • .Berpenampilan menarik dan memiliki Account Officer Bank atau Marketing bidang perusahaan pembiayaan minimal 1 (satu) tahun.
  • .Usia maksimal 30 tahun dengan pengalaman bidang Account officer/Marketing dan usia maksimal 25 tahun tanpa pengalaman kerja (fresh graduate) per tanggal 31 Mei 2008
  • .Diutamakan berdomisili di wilayah Jabodetabek atau Kalbar
  • .Memiliki SIM A dan SIM C

Penyampaian lamaran hanya dilakukan melalui aplikasi on-line mulai 31 Mei hingga 8 Juni 2008
Persyaratan dan keterangan lengkap mengenai tata cara pengajuan lamaran dapat dilihat melalui website www.lppm.ac. id

Call Center: 021-2300313 ext.1232 senin-sabtu Jam 8.00-17.00 WIB
Email :rekrutmen@lppm.ac.id

lowongan @ BINUS University

A Better foundation for A Better Future

To Support our lightning speed of growth and continuous expansion, we are looking for pathfinders who possess not only the idealism required to enlighten Indonesia’s future but also a great passion for education our people.
We invite highly motivated and qualified individuals to grow with us in BINUS University, Jakarta - Indonesia, as:
1. Accreditation Coordinator

Purpose of Job:

To support BINUS Business School in being nationally & internationally recognized as having high quality programs, in part due to faculty and department-led efforts to continually improve programs by conducting following activities:
· A source information on the campus about accreditation and the institution’s accrediting agencies
· To ensure BINUS Business School as a member of EFMD
· To fulfill all requirements for both national (BAN) and international (EQUIS) accreditation
· To ensure on time EPSBED data submission and validity of the data
§ Minimum S1 from all majors
§ Have a good communication & presentation skill
§ Willing to learn, especially for exploring information related to BAN and EQUIS Accreditation
§ Able to communicate (written and verbal) using English, minimum TOEFL 550 or IELTS 6.0
§ At least have two (2) years working experience in relevant position
2. Graphica Reproduction Method Workshop Coordinator
(Koordinator Bengkel Metode Reproduksi Grafika-Desain Komunikasi Visual)
Purpose of Job:
To coordinate the operational of workshop practicum as the preparation, the running and development of the lesson.
· Male
· Minimum D3/S1 from related field
· At least have one (1) years working experience in relevant position
· Having managerial skill and able to coordinate a workshop
· Have a good knowledge about manual print
· Able to communicate (written and verbal) using English
If you meet the requirements, please send your Application Letter, CV, Copy of ID and Documents, and 4x6 colors photograph to: irahmawaty@binus. edu

lowongan @ STARCRUISE




1 Age: 18 – 26 years old.

2 Minimum height requirement – 162 cm for female and 165 cm for male. Normal body-mass ratio.

3 Good mental calculation, no physical handicap or colour-blindness.

4 Good command of English. Knowledge of Cantonese and Mandarin is an added advantage.

5 Able to work shifts and long hours.

6 Pleasant personality, extrovert and enjoy working in service organization / gaming industry.

7 No Experience needed as training will be provided.

8 Positive attitude and pleasant looking with clear complexion. No visible marks / scar on the hands and no sweaty palms.

9 Education : D3

* Stage 1 selection (interview, physical check and short training) by AMA Indonesia

* Qualified candidates will be transferred to PT Thamadita as Starcruises’ representative in Jakarta.

* Stage 2 (final) selection by Starcruise staff in Jakarta.

* Thamadita will organize for qualified candidates :

* certificates of sea worthiness

* passport

* other required documents

* air tickets to Starcruise, Kuala Lumpur

* Accepted candidates will be trained by Starcruise

* Work contract is 2 years (10 months onboard and 2 months leave per year)

* Starting salary is USD 430.00 subject to USD 50.00 increment in year 2.

* Free food and lodging during onboard.

* No halal food will be served during onboard.

Kirim lamaran berisi CV lengkap anda ke via email ke:


lowongan @ sequis life

Dibutuhkan segera seorang internal auditor untuk sebuah perusahaan yang
bergerak di bidang keuangan.


1. Wanita (lebih dibutuhkan)
2. Lulusan Accounting dengan hasil yang baik
3. Mampu bekerja sama dalam suatu team
4. Pengalaman kerja sebagai auditor minimal 1 tahun

Kepada yang berminat, dapat mengirimkan CV dan surat lamaran ke:

lowongan @ PT. Binajasa Abadikarya

Kami perusahaan jasa PENEMPATAN TENAGA KERJA yang merupakan mitra bisnis dari beberapa perusahaan nasional dan multinasional dari berbagai sektor industri saat ini sedang mencari banyak tenaga kerja untuk ditempatkan diperusahaan klient kami.
adapun posisi yang kami butuhkan adalah :

1. Customer service (kode: CS-BJP)
2. Call centre (kode: CC-BJP)
3. Teller (kode : TLR-BJP)
4. Collector (Kode: Coll-BJP)
5. Receptionist (Kode : Rec-BJP)
6. Administrasi (Kode : ADM-BJP)

Persyaratan :
laki-laki/perempuan usia max 28 tahun
pendidikan min D3 untuk semua jurusan
mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
mampu berbahasa inggris min. pasif
dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
mampu bekerja dalam team

bagi yang berminat, dapat mengirim kan lamaran (CV &Pas Foto terbaru) ke alamat:

PT. Binajasa Abadikarya
Resourcing & Data base Division
Gedung Bijak Jl. Condet Raya No.27
Kel. Gedong, Kec. Pasar Rebo
Jakarta Timur 13840
Telp. 021-8413331 / 841 4328 Fax. 021- 8414789
E-mail : admin@bijak.co.id

lowongan @ Perusahaan Otomotif Multinasional

Klien Kami Perusahaan Otomotif Multinasional membutuhkan Technical Support Engineer untuk ditempatkan di :

1. Medan (Kode : TSE M)

2. Pekanbaru (Kode : TSE P)

3. Bandung (Kode : TSE B)

4. Semarang (Kode : TSE Sm)

5. Surabaya (Kode : TSE Sb)


- Usia maksimal 30 thn
- Pendidikan S1 T. Informatika
- Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Responsif
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik
- Memiliki Motivasi tinggi
- Familiar dengan Sistem Operasi Windows 2003 / XP Professional, MS Office
- Familiar Jaringan Local dan Setting Internet
- Memahami SQL 2000 / SQL 2005
- Lebih disukai yang memahami Program VB.Net
- Lebih diutamakan dan disukai yang telah berpengalaman di IT, Helpdesk minimal 1 tahun.

Apabila anda berminat kirimkan Lamaran dan CV anda ke
recruitment@donata.co.id dalam format MS Word atau PDF (max 150 KB; file yang melebihi quota ini otomatis akan dihapus). Tuliskan kode jabatan pada subject dari Surat lamaran anda. Hanya yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang kami inginkan yang akan mengikuti proses interview.


My client, one of the biggest private banking in Jakarta is looking for high qualified candidate to join their team as:



Female, maximum 28 years old
Bachelor degree from any discipline
Having marketing experience especially for creating promotion or events
Good communication and strong analytical skills
Energetic, fast leaner and creative

If you interested to apply this position, please submit your CV and recent photograph to: wahyu@auditsi.net


My client, one of the biggest private banking in Indonesia, is seeking for high caliber and dedicated candidate to join them as:



Female, maximum 28 years old
Bachelor degree in the subject of accounting or finance
Good experience for preparing financial statement
Good analytical skills
Computer literate

If your qualification match with our requirement, please submit your resume to: wahyu@auditsi.net

lowongan @ palm oil Plantations Company

*URGENTLY REQUIRED* Is fast growing palm oil Plantations Company, currently
our company is seeking an exceptional individual to fill the following
position based at our head office in Jakarta. The position below offers
excellent long – term career prospects and a competitive performance based package.


Requirement :
- Female, 20-30 years old
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting
- Qualified accountant with at least 1 years experiences of working in a multi-currency Financial Services Environment
- Project experience (preferred but not essential)
- Ability to assess and problem solve
- Highly numerate with strong analytical and organizational skills and high attention to detail
- Good oral and written communication skills in English
- Advanced level of IT skills notably MS Office (Word,Excel, PowerPoint)
- Taff and active

If you meet the above requirements to please e-mail or post your resume
including a photograph together with your current and expected salary to the
address below, by latest on 12th Jun 2008.


lowongan @ media company

We are a media company which runs business in daily newspaper and magazine in Jakarta,
are looking highly creative, innovative people to join as:

Have competencies in persuasive communication and strategic partnerships.
Have the capability to work within target and have a widest networking.
Max. 40 years old with 2 years experience as Sales Manager

Have a strong motivation to achieve target, high skill in creating new ideas.
Have a wide networking.
Good presentation and negotiation skill
Max. 35 years old with 2 year as Account Executive in media indutry or
advertising agency.

Excellent in communication skill and higly motivation
Result and target oriented
Have min. 2 years experience as Sales Executive in media or advertising

Have a big interest in Jounalistic
Experience in writing article in Bahasa or English
Creative, innovative and chalengging person
Have min. 1 year experience as Reporter or fresh graduate can apply

Experience in Finance Field 2 year in retail company or media industry
Understand in finance fields: Receivable, Collection, and Bank Reconciliation
Preferable Male, graduate from Finance or Accounting

General Requirement:

Must have fluent in English, both written and oral
Good communication skill
Able to work under pressure and tight schedule
All position will placed in our office in Sudirman area

Please Send your Apllication Letter, Resume, photograph and other documents before 16th June 2008
Put the position in the upper left corner of the envelope or e-mail subject to:

Graha Investor
Jl. Padang no.19-21 Manggarai
Jakarta 12970
send e-mail to:

Only short-listed candidates will be notified

lowongan kurir / Messenger

berada di belakang Bandara Soekarno Hatta, dekat Rawa Bokor Jurumudi - Tangerang, lagi membutuhkan kurir / Messenger dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :
1. Laki - Laki , Single
2.Tamatan SMA/SMEA
3.Punya Kendaraan Bermotor
4.Punya Inisiatif dan Pekerja Keras
5. Lebih Di utamakan yang tinggal Di Sekitar Tangerang Atau Dekat Area Kantor ( Berhubung Jam Kerja Kantor dari Senin - Sabtu dari Jam 8.00 s/d 17.00 )
Kalau ada yang berminat dapat menghubungi 021 - 54370355 / 54370357 dengan Mei Lan
Di mohon bagi yang tidak memenuhi syarat agar tidak melamar.

lowongan @ The Connor Group

The Connor Group is global product sourcing multinational with more than 1,000 employees in 30 offices worldwide. We are currently looking for highly qualified professionals to fill the following position in our Indonesian Representative Office.

Assistant Merchandiser (AMR) contract
- D3/S1 Graduate or Fresh Graduate;
- Communication skills in oral and written Bahasa Indonesia and English;
- Computer skills in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Internet;
- Has good interpersonal skills;
- Attention to details;
- Willing to learn;
- Has self initiative and able to work independently.

Applicants should send their resume with photo and expected salary via email to:

Aneka lowongan

Saat ini kami sedang membuka lowongan sbb :

dengan kriteria :

1. Pria, usia min. 28 thn - max. 40 thn
2. Pny motor
3. Pendidikan min. DI/setara
4. Pengalaman min. 2 thn
4. Paham mengenai material dan item lain yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan
5. Bisa bekerja sendiri maupun dalam team

dengan kriteria :

1. Pria, min. 25 thn - max. 35 thn
2. Pny motor
3. Pendidikan min. D3/setara
4.Pengalaman sebagai Sales/Marketing di berbagai bidang min. 2 thn,
diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang material bahan bangunan/kontraktor
5. Bisa bekerja sendiri maupun dalam team.

dengan kriteria :

1. Wanita, usia min. 21 thn - max. 28 thn
2. Pendidikan min. SMEA/setara
3. Pengalaman di bidang adminstrasi kantor min. 1 thn.
4. Bisa bekerja dalam team
Kami menunggu CV + Lamaran anda via fax di nomor 021-6930 382, up Ronald
Wiryadi (point A), Floura Chandra (point B).
Lamaran ditunggu sampai dengan tanggal 20 Juni 08.


a subsidiary from Kobe Steel Ltd., is urgently seeking for professional candidate to be positioned as
Accounting Staff & Secretary for Jakarta base.

The candidate should meet these following requirements:

General Requirements :
1. Fluent English both oral & written is a must.
2. Mastering computer skill (advance in operating MS. Office is a must)
3. Good responsibility, Pleasant and excellent personality, discipline, honest, also highly motivated individual
4. Able to work with all members either as a team or individually.

Specific Requirements :
1) Accounting Staff
-Bachelor Degree from any reputable universities majoring in Accounting preferable.
-Having experience 2-4 years in related field.
-Able to work under pressure and meet deadline.

2) Secretary
-Bachelor Degree from any reputable universities with any background knowledge.
-Having experience 2-4 years in related field.
-Able to undergo the secretarial matters

Please send your complete application letter with position code on right top envelope or as a subject e-mail, immediately to:

PT Upgraded Brown Coal Indonesia
Attn. General Manager
Gedung BRI II, Lt.8, Suite 809
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Kav.44-46 Jakarta 10210
or to e-mail address : otoyid@yahoo.com

lowongan @ PT. Upgraded Brown Coal Indonesia

PT. Upgraded Brown Coal Indonesia , a subsidiary from Kobe Steel Ltd., is now urgently seeking for professional candidate to be positioned asProcurement Staff for Satui Office, Kalimantan Selatan. The candidate should meet these following requirements:

1. Male/ Female, below 50 years old
2. Bachelor degree (S1) or D3 certificates from related discipline knowledge from reputable colleges or universities, preferable from Engineering Dept. (Mechanical & Electrical)
3. Fluent English both oral & written is a must.
4. Having experience min. 2 years in the required fields
5. Mastering computer skill (advance in operating MS. Office is a must)
6. Having deep knowledge in managing procurement with good negotiating skill as well as making a contract, know-how of marketing price for material also evaluating it, and able to handle expedite delivery schedule, etc.
7. Able to work as a team and independently.
8. Shall be mentally ready to be assigned in Satui, Kalimantan Selatan.
9. Good responsibility & highly motivated individual

Please send your complete application letter (addressee: General Manager) immediately to:

PT Upgraded Brown Coal Indonesia
Attn. Ms.Dhita
Gedung BRI II, Lt.8, Suite 809
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Kav.44-46 Jakarta 10210

lowongan @ English and Mandarin Course

One of the growing English and Mandarin Course, located in Kelapa Gading, is urgently seeking a children english teacher with requirements as below:

- Female/Male
- Age <30 yo
- Min. D3 from any major
- Experienced (min. 1 year)
- Living around East or North Jakarta
- Fluent in English
- Love children

Please send your application letter; all necessary document and recent photograph to ingec81@yahoo.com or priscila_irene@yahoo.com or by mail to Jl. Kelapa Hybrida Blok QJ 9 No.36. Kelapa Gading Permai. Tel: 021-4529827.

Walk in interview is available with appointment.

lowongan @ PT. Tata Bisnis Solusi

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konsultan IT membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :


Kualifikasi :

- Pria/ wanita max. 35 tahun.

- Pendidikan min. SMU/ D3

- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai data entry/ operator letik/ operator fotocopy.

- Mampu mengoperasikan computer

- Mampu bekerja dalam tim dan berdasarkan target.

- Diutamakan yang berdomisili di daerah Jakarta.

CV lengkap dapat dikirimkan ke : hrd@tatasolusi.co.id

Atau ke alamat :

PT. Tata Bisnis Solusi

Jl. Alaydrus no.73B

Jakarta Pusat 10130

lowongan @ PT. Tata Bisnis Solusi

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konsultan IT membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :

Staf Administrasi

Kualifikasi :

- Wanita, max 35 tahun.

- Pendidikan min. D3.

- Memiliki pengalaman min. 1 tahun di posisi yang sama.

- Dapat melakukan kegiatan surat-menyurat.

- Teratur, rapi dan teliti.

- Diutamakan berdomisili di daerah Jakarta Pusat.

CV lengkap dapat dikirimkan ke : hrd@tatasolusi.co.id

Atau ke alamat :

PT. Tata Bisnis Solusi

Jl. Alaydrus no.73B

Jakarta Pusat 10130

lowongan @ konsultan IT

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konsultan IT membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :


Kualifikasi :

- Pria, max. 35 tahun

- Pendidikan S1, diutamakan dari jurusan Sistem Informasi / IT

- Mampu membuat aplikasi dengan min 1 bahasa program ( VB, ASP, .net )

- Mampu melakukan Query ( MS-SQL Server 2000, Oracle, MySQL ).

- Mengerti tentang konsep jaringan ( LAN, WAN ).

- Mampu menggunakan reporting tools ( Crystal Report, SQL Report ).

- Mengerti tentang Hardware

Bagi yang berminat harap mengirimkan CV lengkap ke :


lowongan Engineering

An Engineering, Procurement, Installation, Construction and Commissioning Company majoring in oil and gas industry is immediately seeking highly motivated and experience professional with excellent track record to fill positions of :

Piping Engineer (Sr)


· Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering

· Minimum 5 years exp in oil & gas industry.


· Develop and design piping engineering related documents in order to meet project and client requirement

· Prepare datasheet/specifica tions and calculations for various piping equipment.

· Review vendor document /drawings for various piping eqipment

· Prepare manhour estimates and budgetary quotations and list of desireable for the purpose of new work order proposal.

QA/QC Manager


· Understanding in QMS, ISO, industry process and standard

· Certified Auditor for QMS-ISO 9001 standard

· Good skill in preparation of QA/QC procedures and plans

· Certified Welding Inspector & NDE level 2

· Familiar with International code/standards (ASME/ANSI/API/ etc) and Indonesian government regulation

· At least 10 years in similar position

· Max 50 years old

· Computer literate

· Good command of spoken and written English

· Excellent interpersonal skill, written and oral communication skill


· To maintain and improve quality in order to achieve company objectives

· Develop and implement the Quality System

· QC coordination of EPC projects including Mechanical/Civil/ Piping/Electrica l Instrument/Structur e Inspection

· Investigation of problem and formulate solutions

· Continuous improvement & hands on training and advice

· Audit department for quality

Engineering Coodinator


· S1 majoring in mechanical engineering

· More than 7-10 years in similar position in oil & gas industry

· Good knowledge of project management, procurement, construction and planning as related to process equipment, proficiency in English.


· Engineering Coordination

· Coordination with Proposal Manager, Project Manager, Procurement Manager and all other Division & Department Manager

· Man hour Management and Planning Engineering Department activities

· Document Control (Internal / External)

· Planning (all activities, as a service to Projects)

Planning & Scheduling Engineer (Sr)

Requirements :

· Degree in Engineering, preferable in Civil Engineering

· Capable for establishing project master schedule for a large EPC project

· Minimum 8 years of working experience in offshore/onshore oil & gas facilities project.

· Familiar with MS Project, preferably Primavera

· Knowledgeable of standard software program used in developing bar chart, CPM network and S-curve schedule.

Responsibilities :

Preparation of planning packages/work package, progress measurement & monitoring.

Process Engineer


· Bachelor degree in Chemical or Gas & Petroleum Engineering (Prefered)

· Minimum 3 years of relevant experience in facility process engineering design, prefered having overseas offshore Oil & Gas engineering project.

· Strong technical/engineeri ng skills with a working knowledge of applicable Codes and Standards plus a general understanding of other discipline activities.

· Demonstrated ability in the use of process engineering tools including HYSYS, PIPESIM, and FLARENET.

· Have a competency covers developing Piping Instrument Diagram (P&ID), Process Flow Diagram (PFD), SAFE chart, Emergency Shut Down Logic Diagram, hydraulic calculation, process datasheet, process equipment selection and design, relief and safety system, and control device.

· Have good understanding of HAZOP and safety study.

· Good communication skill and leadership is required.

Proposal Engineer (Sr)

Requirements :

· S1 Mechanical Engineer.

· Good knowledge and experience of estimation, procurement, fabrication and construction process related to design and construction process.

· Min. 10 years experience in oil & gas Company related in preparing tenders matters.

Responsibilities :

· To be responsible for preparation of tenders including :

· To receive new enquiry / tender files, review with Proposal Manager for Proposal strategy.

· Receive Engineering data (P&ID, PFD, Specification, data sheet, drawing, BOM, etc).

· Check all tender submissions, documentation for accuracy / compliance with clients requirements

· Determine of no-compliances / deviations and list these in the tender / proposal

· Collate & Prepare tender (technical / commercial)

Mechanical Static Engineer


· Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering

· Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in facility engineering design in Oil & Gas engineering project.

· Familiar with COMPRESS/PVELITE software.

· Strong technical/engineeri ng skills with design of pressure vessel, tanks, heat exchanger and air coolers.

Senior Buyer

Requirement :

· Engineering background (S1) or Polytechnic (D3)

· 5-10 years experiences at EPC Company (oil & gas field)

· Computer literate & English profiency

· Familiar with International codes ASME, API, ASTM, DIN, etc

Responsibilities :

· To liaison day to day procurement activities from management to execution.

· Generating purchase orders based upon approved evaluated bid documents submitted

· Ensures that purchase orders are issued as per company procedures and with all relevant attachments

· Liaise with the vendor in respect of any commercial queries and coordinate between vendor and project manager regarding any technical clarification, expediting responses accordingly.

If you meet the requirements, please send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph & contact number in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary. Please indicate the position as email subject to:


All applicants will be treated as strictly confidential. Only a short list of candidates will be Interviewed.

lowongan @ PT. CKG

PT. CKG in Cakung Required A Receptionist
with the following qualifications :

• Minimum 3 year experience
• High School or Academy Graduate
• Speak, Read and Write English
• Age Between 20 – 25 years
• Preferably resident of Cakung or Bekasi

Interest candidate may email the application to recruitment@ckg.co.id

lowongan @ multinational FMCG

Currently, our client a multinational FMCG ( Fast Moving Consumer Goods ) is looking for Key Account Manager with the requirements as stated below:
- Hold Bachelor Degree ( S1 ) in any discipline
- Male / Female, with max age 33 years old
- Has experience working in FMCG as a Key Account SPV / Key Account Manager
- Communicative in English
If your qualification match with the requirements, please send your CV to recruit@gblprime.com

lowongan Lawyer


We are looking for a professional and committed individual to be based in our corporate office to fill the following position Lawyer:

Requirements :

a.. Bachelor degree from Law
b.. Min 3 - 5 year working experience in the same field
c.. Excellent in English for both conversation & correspondent is a must.
d.. Computer Literate
e.. Really Strong Personality, Hard Worker & Independent
f.. Able to work under pressure & over time
g.. Able to start working immediately

please send your CV in English, certificates, recent photograph , ID card (KTP) and Expected Salary to email sunarto-yudo@ascolaw.com

Applications will be treated with the strict confidentiality. Only short listed candidates will be notified

lowongan @ law firm

As a rapidly expanding modern Indonesian law firm with a strong international and local client base, we have IMMEDIATE vacancy for Secretarial position with the following requirements:
Female, max age 30 years old
Minimum D3 from reputable secretarial academy
Strong English verbal and written communication skills
Must be proficient in Word, Excel, Access, Power Point
Smart, independent, highly self motivated person, good initiative and team work, good communication skill and able to work under pressure and/or with tight deadline
Willing to work long hours
Please send your data ASAP to: hbt@hbtlaw.com attention to Rosellina.

lowongan @ palm oil Plantations Company

Is fast growing palm oil Plantations Company, currently your company is seeking an exceptional individual to fill the following position based at our head office in Jakarta. The position below offers excellent long – term career prospects and a competitive performance based package.


Requirement :
- Female, 20-30 years old
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting
- Qualified accountant with at least 1 years experiences of working in a multi-currency Financial Services Environment
- Project experience (preferred but not essential)
- Ability to assess and problem solve
- Highly numerate with strong analytical and organizational skills and high attention to detail
- Good oral and written communication skills in English
- Advanced level of IT skills notably MS Office (Word,Excel, PowerPoint)
- Taff and active

If you meet the above requirements to please e-mail or post your resume including a photograph together with your current and expected salary to the address below, by latest on 12th Jun 2008.


lowongan @ Perusahaan Telekomunikasi

Perusahaan Telekomunikasi Di indonesia
Membuka lowongan sebagai marketing officer Untuk Daerah Kota Yogyakarta
dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.

- pa/pi minimal lulusan sma/smk

- memiliki kendaraan roda 2

- mampu bekerjasama secara team

- memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik

contact person hubungi : Rocky 0828 926 900 95

lowongan @ Perusahaan Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)

Perusahaan Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) membutuhkan segera:


Modern Outlet (DM-MO)
Traditional Outlet (DM-TO)

-. Pendidikan min. S1, pria/wanita usia max. 30 th
-. Pengalaman minimal 2 th sebagai DM/SM/ASM di FMCG multinational
-. Menguasai outlet ; area Bandung, Jawa Barat
-. English active, min. passive
-. Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas
-. Lancar menggunakan komputer (min. Ms. Office)
-. Memiliki SIM A

-. Domisili &penempatan di Bandung
-. Fasilitas mobil kantor
-. Harus melampirkan pas foto terbaru ukuran 4X6
-. Wawancara bulan Jun-Jul, penerimaan bulan Okt-Nov 2008
-. Hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi tsb.diatas yang akan diproses

Lamaran lengkap kirim ke:
Bagian Personalia
PT Supra Sumber Cipta, Jl. Cibolerang No. 203 Kav 10-12, Bandung 40224
atau via email: mksqq@yahoo.com

Kesempatan Berkarir di PT Indonesia Power

Kesempatan Berkarir di PT Indonesia Power

PT Indonesia Power, membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi warga Negara Indonesia untuk program studi non kependidikan :

1. S1 & D3 Teknik Mesin (Konversi Energi, Metalurgi/Material)
2. S1 & D3 Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat)
3. S1 & D3 Teknik Fisika, Teknik Elektro (Elektronika, Kontrol Instrumen)
4. S1 & D3 Teknik Sipil
5. S1 & D3 Teknik Kimia, Teknik Lingkungan
6. D3 Teknik Informatika
7. D3 Manajemen Keuangan, Akuntansi, Perpajakan
8. D3 Administrasi Bisnis, Administrasi Niaga, Ilmu Komunikasi


1. S1 Tahun kelahiran 1981 atau sesudahnya, D3 Tahun kelahiran 1983 atau sesudahnya
2. IPK minimum 2,75 (posisi 1-5)
3. IPK minimum 3,00 (posisi 6-8)
4. Dapat berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
5. Tidak buta warna, kecuali posisi 7-8
6. Mengisi formulir aplikasi yang tersedia secara online pada website http://www.indonesiapower.co.id pada tanggal 4 - 17 Juni 2008


1. Pelamar yang akan dipanggil mengikuti tes hanya yang lolos shortlisting berdasarkan kandidat terbaik.
2. Pemanggilan pelamar melalui http://www.indonesiapower.co.id.
3. Seleksi awal akan diselenggarakan di kota Jakarta dan Surabaya. Seleksi selanjutnya di Jakarta.
4. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
5. Tahapan seleksi, pengumuman seleksi dan ketentuan-ketentuan lain selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada website http://www.indonesiapower.co.id.
6. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak.