22 May 2008

lowongan @ Bali

Area Sales Supervisor (Position Code: ASS) - Bali

Job Responsibilities:
• Responsible for achieving sales targets within specified
geography area and/or class of responsibility.
• Analyzes, reviews and manages sales volume and trade
promotion spending in line with broad category strategy to maximize
sales and minimize promotional spending.
• Contributes to the growth and operating results of the
company by managing distributors and direct general trade customers
in the achievement of sales targets and by building the skills and
abilities of the 3rd party distributor sales team.
• Min. Bachelor degree from any field.
• At least 3 years in general trade sales experience.
• Has a Multinational FMCG background.
• Basic working knowledge of English both written and spoken
is must
• A proficiency or aptitude with personal computer on basic
application such as Microsoft Excel, Power Point and Word is
• Strong analytical & problem solving, business partnering,
leadership, negotiation and interpersonal skills.
• Able to communicate with enthusiasm and impact and solid
presentation skills.

Application Details:

Send your resume and recent photograph to:


Please quote the position (code: ASS) in the email subject.

Only short listed candidates will be invited for interview.


We are the growing Islamic Elementary School located
in Pondok Gede, Bekasi, is CURRENTLY seeking for


for you with below qualifications :
1. Male
2. Islam
3. Graduated from University Degree (S-1)
4. Previous headmaster experience minimum 3 years
5. Able to speak Arabic/English is advantage
6. Other skills that related with Education is more

Please Send your application and CV plus current
photograph BEFORE MAY 31, 2008 via email to

mail : dontcarewhoami@yahoo.com


We are from ERHA Inspiration, a recruitment consultancy. Our
client, a fast growing Multilevel Marketing Company, is Looking for a suitable Candidate to fill the position of:

- Male / Female max. age 35 years
- Bachelor degree from reputable university
- Having experiences in Customer Service in Banking or in a Supervisory level min 2 years
- Good understanding in service quality to customer
- Good communication skill, high interpersonal skill,
self confidence, and able to work with tight deadlines

If you feel you are the right person for the vacant
position above, just send your CV to (Put the position code
in the e-mail Subject!!!!) :

recruitment@erhainspiration.com / wino@erhainspiration.com

Or you may forward this information to any friends or
relatives who might be the right person required

lowongan @ SS-911

SS-911 adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pengamanan,
berlokasi di Jakarta dengan total tenaga kerja lebih dari 4000 orang
tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Kami juga bergerak di bidang
Cash Management (CIT, CPC, ATM, dll) dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10
tahun serta didukung dengan standar mutu ISO 9001:2000. SS-911 adalah
pionir di bidang sistem manajemen pengamanan dan saat ini sudah
melayani di berbagai industri pertambangan, minyak dan gas bumi,
building / perbankan, serta retail. Seiring dengan perkembangan usaha,
saat ini kami membutuhkan beberapa SDM profesional dengan posisi
sebagai berikut :

1. KEPALA SEKSI ACCOUNTING (Based : Kantor Pusat Jakarta)
2. STAF LOGISTIK (Based : Kantor Pusat Jakarta)
3. PROJECT MANAGER (Based : Sumatera, Kalimantan atau Jawa)
4. SECURITY MANAGER (Based : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah)


Deskripsi umum :
Jabatan ini berfungsi untuk mengontrol proses akuntansi di kantor
pusat berjalan lancar dan memastikan sistem pelaporan, dokumen keluar
masuk dari proyek atau vendor sudah absah dan sesuai dengan waktu yang

Uraian tugas :
1.Melakukan rekonsiliasi bank / pajak (Ppn / Pph 23)
2.Melakukan Audit Internal
3.Mengontrol data transaksi dari proyek
4.Melakukan amortisasi biaya
5.Melakukan monitoring deduction dan adjustment

Syarat-syarat :
1.Pengalaman minimal 4 tahun dalam bidang pekerjaan yang dimaksud
2.Pendidikan minimal Diploma 3 - Keuangan / Akuntansi
3.Dapat memimpin anak buah
4.Kemampuan komputer dan Bahasa Inggris


Deskripsi umum :
Jabatan ini berfungsi untuk memproses permintaan pembelian atau
pengadaan barang baik dari proyek atau kantor pusat serta melakukan
fungsi penyimpanan dan pengiriman barang yang sudah ada di gudang

Uraian tugas :
1.Memproses permintaan barang baik dari proyek atau kantor pusat
sesuai prosedur
2.Memastikan bahwa proses pengadaan barang dilakukan secara terbuka
dan fair
3.Mengontrol proses pengadaan dan penyimpanan barang di gudang
4.Melakukan audit asset barang yang masih tersimpan di gudang

Syarat-syarat :
1.Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun dalam bidang pekerjaan yang dimaksud
2.Pendidikan minimal Diploma 3
3.Dapat bekerja sama di dalam tim
4.Kemampuan komputer dan Bahasa Inggris


Deskripsi umum :
Jabatan ini berfungsi untuk mengontrol serta menjalankan manajemen
proyek pengamanan yang terdapat kekuatan minimal 200 tenaga keamanan
(guards) serta bertanggung jawab terhadap keberhasilan keamanan proyek
yang bersangkutan

Uraian tugas :
1.Bertanggung jawab dalam proses pengamanan proyek sehari-hari dan
bekerja sama dengan klien dan instansi terkait
2.Memastikan bahwa standar mutu di bidang keamanan (ISO 9001:2000)
dapat dijalankan di proyek yang dipimpin
3.Mengontrol proses administrasi proyek agar dapat berjalan secara
transparan dan benar
4.Melakukan pembinaan secara terstruktur terhadap bawahannya
5.Melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi secara berkala terhadap proyek
yang diamankan

Syarat-syarat :
1.Pengalaman minimal 7 tahun dalam bidang pekerjaan yang dimaksud
2.Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (Hukum, Ekonomi atau yang relevan)
3.Dapat memimpin anak buah minimal 200 orang
4.Kemampuan komputer dan Bahasa Inggris
5.Pensiunan TNI / POLRI menjadi pertimbangan tertentu


Deskripsi umum :
Jabatan ini berfungsi untuk mengawasi serta memimpin tim keamanan
dengan kekuatan minimal 50 orang serta memastikan berjalannya fungsi
keamanan di lokasi tugas

Uraian tugas :
1.Bertanggung jawab dalam proses pengamanan di lokasi perusahaan klien
2.Memastikan bahwa standar mutu di bidang keamanan (ISO 9001:2000)
dapat dijalankan
3.Mengontrol proses administrasi keamanan agar dapat berjalan secara
transparan dan benar
4.Melakukan pembinaan secara terstruktur terhadap bawahannya
5.Melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi secara berkala terhadap tim yang

Syarat-syarat :
1.Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun dalam bidang pekerjaan yang dimaksud
2.Pendidikan minimal Diploma 3
3.Dapat memimpin anak buah minimal 50 orang
4.Kemampuan komputer dan Bahasa Inggris
5.Pensiunan TNI / POLRI menjadi pertimbangan tertentu

Pelamar dipersilakan mengirim surat lamaran berikut CV (Daftar Riwayat
Hidup) via pos kepada :

Bpk. Bambang S Nugroho, SE
PT Nawakara Perkasa Nusantara SS-911,
Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 15, Kompleks D'Best Blok C 1-3,
Jakarta Selatan 12420

Atau dapat mengirim via email ditujukan kepada : bambang.sn@ss-911.com
Lamaran via email maksimal 300 KB dan tidak diperkenankan melampirkan
scan ijasah, dll.
Cantumkan posisi yang dilamar di setiap subjek email.

Lamaran ditunggu paling lambat 20 Juni 2008 cap pos.

lowongan @ The American Red Cross

The American Red Cross Tsunami Recovery Program (TRP) had been established to direct the organization¢ s response to the South Asia tsunami disaster. The TRP activities focus on integrated community recovery and preparedness interventions in tsunami affected countries in Asia and East Africa in collaboration with Red Cross and non-Red Cross partners. Please visit www.redcross. org/tsunamirelie f

The Indonesia TRP Delegation operates from offices in Banda Aceh, Calang, Lamno. It also has liaison offices in Jakarta , and other areas in Aceh province in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross.

The American Red Cross seeks dynamic individuals to fill the:

POSITION : Disaster Management Deputy Program Manager

No of Hired : 1 Person

Base of Assignment : Banda Aceh

Type of contract : Fixed Term

Duration of contract : 6 Months with possible extension

Specific DUTIES responsibilities and accountabilities:

To assist the ARC DM-Delegate for management of ICBRR program; To develop strategy, guidelines related to the project; To supervise project staff and provide administrative support; To provide support in terms of program expenditures, preparing budget and maintain financial procedure; To make frequent filed visit in the project area (at least 40% of working days); To ensure periodic informal survey and assessment along with M&E officer ; To organize monthly/quarterly meeting consultation with PMI; To keep all records up to date and preserve in a proper and efficient manner; To keep coordination and liaison with PMI, chapter, branches, NGOs, Government and other ARC program staff; To facilitate different workshop/training program in Bahasa; To facilitate ARC DM-Delegate in terms of translation and interpretation of program related documents and materials; To support ARC DM-Delegate in preparing regular program report; To carry out any other program related task given by the DM Manager

Qualification and Requirement

University degree in any development studies; Five year project management experience with an International organization on disaster risk reduction; Excellent writing and communication skill in English and Bahasa; Good leadership, supervisory and management skill; Ability and ready for extensive field visit; Good knowledge on geographic and environment of the area of assignment; Excellent knowledge on computer operation (windows, excel, power point and graphic illustrator)

Please submit your application and curriculum vitae to hr@amredcross.org put Job title in Subject line. Only applications in English and short listed candidates will be notified. Applications submitted after May 31st, 2008 will not be considered. Applicants with RC/RC (PMI, Federation and PNSs) working experiences will be prioritized.


Leading holiday Ownership Company in Asia with a view to expand its in-house
Software Development is looking for the right talent to form their core


* Willing to be based in Bali

* Good analytical, verbal and written communications skills

* Able to work independently or in a team environment

* Minimum 2 years of experience as software developer or database

* Works well under pressure and can meet deadlines

Specific Requirements:


* Experienced in SQL Server 7 and above

* Experienced in database design and normalization

* Experienced in PL/SQL scripting, debugging and performance tuning

Software Development

* Experienced in Visual Basic 6 and .Net platform code writing and

* Experienced in OOP, creating custom controls, and fine tuning code


* Experienced in Crystal Reports 8 and above

* Experienced in developing complex reports with charts, cross tab, and

* Experienced in troubleshooting reports problems


* Experience in Web Forms, ASP 2.0 or above, AJAX and SQL Server 2005
reporting service will be advantageous

If you are ready to start your exciting new career with us then send your
applications immediately to:


lowongan @ PT. Kabelindo Murni, Tbk


Kami (PT. Kabelindo Murni, Tbk.) perusahaan Industri manufaktur kabel listrik dan telekomunikasi yang sedang berkembang pesat, membutuhkan beberapa kandidat karyawan yang memiliki dedikasi kerja yang tinggi, dengan posisi–posisi sebagai berikut :

· Pria / Wanita
· Lulusan, Min S1 – Teknik Industri
· Fresh Graduate / Berpengalaman
· Usia max 26 tahun

· Pria
· Lulusan Min D3 – Teknik Mesin
· Fresh Graduate (lebih diutamakan yang berpengalaman)
· Usia max 23 Tahun

· Pria
· Lulusan Min, STM Elektro / Mesin (lebih diutamakan yang D3 elektro/mesin)
· Fresh Graduate (lebih diutamakan yang berpengalaman)

· Pria
· Lulusan min, SMA sederajat
· Memiliki Forklift Driver License
· Berpengalaman / Fresh Graduate
· Usia max 25 tahun

Bagi yang berminat, bisa mengirimkan Surat Lamaran, CV dan foto
ke :

Catatan :

Jabatan diisi pada subjek email.
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat, yang akan diproses.
Lamaran akan diproses paling lama 28 Mei 2008.

lowongan Marketing

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konsultan IT membutuhkan karyawan
untuk posisi :


Kualifikasi :

- Pria, max. 35 tahun

- Pendidikan S1, diutamakan dari jurusan Sistem Informasi / IT

- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai sales min. 1 tahun.

- Mampu berbahasa Inggris min. pasif

- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik.

- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang IT.

- Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke luar kota.

Bagi yang berminat harap mengirimkan CV lengkap ke :


lowongan @ PT. Duta Anggada Realty

PT. Duta Anggada Realty, Tbk is looking for candidates to fill vacant
positions below:



* A professional resume with dates of employment
* Two- year minimum professional domestic experience in reputable
hotel / fine private home / restaurants in a similar position
* Must be able to facilitate the highest level of service and
* Verifiable work references with valid phone numbers
* Clear knowledge and understanding of the English language
* Valid driver's license

Please send your CV and Application Letter not later than 1 week after
this advertisement:



Globe Media Group which runs businesses in Media Newspapers and Magazines, such as Investor Daily, Investor Magazines, Globe Asia Magazines, is looking for potential personnel to build career in media business for the following positions:

Job Description:

Monitor and management reports on financial performance, cash forecast and cash flow reports.
Manage company assets and operational requirements
Analyzes Financial data and extracts and defines relevant information, interprets data for the purpose of determining past financial performance and or to project a financial probability
Overseas the preparation of working papers and approved budgets, ensure that expenditures for budgets and grants and contracts are monitored and that reports are prepared to maintain balanced accounts
Establish comprehensive financial management and reporting systems for Group Company
Job Requirements:

Male / Female, maximum 40 years old
Bachelor degree from accounting field or related field of study from reputable university
Minimum 3 years experience in finance fields and 2 years experience in the same position.
Deep understanding of Finance & Accounting principles (Financial reports, Cash Flows and budgeting)
Deep understand of Tax (VAT and all income tax)
Able to work with all levels and work independently with little supervision
Strong analytical thinking, result oriented, strong leadership, self driven, good personality & professional worker
Female, Bachelor degree, from accounting
Minimum 1 year experience in Finance fields.
Preferable have experience in finance area: Receivable, Collection, and Bank Reconciliation
Able to manage petty cash and make report for the cash flow
A team player, result oriented, proactive, self-motivated, dynamic, and multi tasking person
Possessing positive work attitudes, initiatives, and maturity in dealing with people
Able to work under pressure condition, diligent & can keep confidential

Please Send Application Letter, CV, recent photograph
Put the code on the upper left corner of the envelope or
subject email to :

HRD GLOBE MEDIA GROUP Graha Investor Jl. Padang No. 19 - 21 Manggarai Jakarta 12970 or Send e-mail to :
Only short listed candidates will be notified

lowongan @ Malaysia

Master’s / Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or
related field, Computer Engineering or
Electrical/Electron ics Engineering or equivalent.

2 to 5 years of experience in a related field [JAVA
programming in Test environment] .
Good Java Programming skills.
Exposure to Software Test environment and Software
Test Methodology will be an advantage.
Knowledge in CMM/CMMI/other Quality Models, six sigma,
ClearQuest/other Configuration Management Tools will
be an advantage.
Familiar with other technology like, Windows
Programming, HTML, JSP, Servlets, Macromedia
ColdFusion, C/C++ , UNIX scripting, DBMS such as
mySQL, Oracle or SQL Server, in real time embedded
Linux kernel, device drivers and J2ME for mobile
devices, Windows CE, Palm OS and Symbian will be an
added advantage.

Other Essential Attributes:
- Analytical, self-motivated and strong sense of
responsibility, organized, attention to details team
- Ability to work independently with minimal
- Ability to communicate with all levels of users
- Good command of spoken English

Location : Malaysia - Penang
Duration : 1 yr contract with possibility of
converting to perm staff.
Nationality : All
Position : 1
Salary : negotiable

Please send your resume to
"johnson.low@sg.mindteck.com" or
"johnson_low@yahoo.com" stating the following:
1. Current Monthly Salary
2. Expected Monthly Salary
3. Availability Period
4. Reason for leaving

We regret only short-listed candidate will be notified
for an interview

lowongan @ PT. Enerren Technologies

PT. Enerren Technologies, an IT consultant company, is recently seeking for a suitable candidate to fill in vacant position as:

Sales & Marketing

Requirements :

- Female or Male
- Various education background (Bachelor degree of Electro Technical or IT is an advantages)
- 1 – 2 years of working experience in related field
- Have a good interpersonal skilled
- Well adapt, communicative, and fast learner
- Able to work under pressure

Should you meet the above requirements, please submit your detailed CV, expected sallary, current photograph within 1 week to :

lia@enerren.com dan enerrentotal@yahoo.com

Ps: kindly limit your document / file size to 50 Kb, exceeding size will cause automatic delete.

our website : www.enerren.com

lowongan @ Oil & Gas Project

We are an international EPC company working on Oil & Gas Project,
seeking for high commitment & professional candidates for
the following positions:
Should you meet the requirements above, please send your complete CV and

- Male/Female
- Having minimum 7 years related experience in Engineering
( a - e ), minimum 3 years experience ( f & g )
- Computer literate and proficient in English is essential
( a - g )
- Willing to be located in any parts of Indonesia
cover letter along with your current & expected salary in English and latest Photograph,
with position and your name on your email subject (example: Receptionist - Selly B.)
to: jobs@ptpli.com

lowongan CHEMIST


We are representing a decorative building material
manufacturer company. We are looking for smart,qualified and young
professional candidates to fill in the vacant position below.



Ø Bachelor Degree from Chemistry
Ø Having good analysis
Ø Fluent in English both oral and written
Ø Minimum 4 years experience in industry preferably Chemical Industries as a Chemist (QC / QA Lab )
A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered to attract
top caliber applicants. Please send your CV to:
Should you interest with the above challenge, please send your detail resume indicating CODE of position as your email subject and send your application to :



Ø We are currently representing a decorative building material
manufacturer company. We are looking for smart,qualified and young
professional candidates to fill in the vacant position below.



# Degree qualification from major university
# Preferably experience in Multinational Company for 4 years as a Brand Manager
# Having distributorship development skills.
# Fluent in English both oral and written
# Strive for excellence in achieving business objective
# Good Computer knowledge

A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered to attract
top caliber applicants. Please send your CV to:


lowongan @ Singapore

DSS is a Singapore based Software Company providing Managed Services, Software Development and IT Outsourcing. Distributed Software Solutions Pte Ltd (DSS) is a dynamic, diligent and distinct, multi-disciplinary Solution Provider in the field of Information Technology.
At DSS we apply technology and innovation to deliver the twin objectives of surging ahead and sustaining the lead in the IT market.

Currently we have huge openings for C++ UNIX, with one of our MNC client. Candidates who are on EP, PR, DP, Overseas, SVP (Social Visit Pass) willing to work in a bank are preferred.

Details as below.

Requirement - 1

Designation : Sr Software Engineer
Yrs Exp : 3 - 5 Yrs
Required Skills : C++, UNIC shell script, Sybase oracle .
Job Type : Permanent Opening
Contact person : Raji
Email : hr@dss.com.sg
Contact Number : 96450600
Company website : www.dss.com.sg/
Distribution Software Solutions

lowongan Payment and Fraud Analyst

We are an outsourcing company seeking professional candidate to fill below position:

  • Female / Male, age max 28 years old
  • Education S1 degree from reputable university
  • Fluent in English (both oral and written)
  • Computer Literature
  • Willing to work under pressure
  • Active and Communicative
  • Have experience in Payment Process (min. 1 years)

1. Handle payment process (account payable) to suppliers.
2. Input payment process
3. Handle payment petty cash dept and staff reimbursment
4. Act as a relief in the absence of other staff in team

  • Female / Male, age max 28 years old
  • Education S1 degree from reputable university
  • Fluent in English (both oral and written)
  • Familiar with MS Office tools
  • Willing to work under pressure
  • Active and Communicative
  • Have experience as Fraud Analyst (min. 1 years)

1. Customer transactions confimation
2. Analyzing customer transactions
3. Prepare document and other related fraud cases

Please send your CV and Photograph to:
PT. Prismas Jamintara
Plaza DM 6th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 25
Jakarta 12920

Attn : Ms. Bunga Istiqomah
Email : bunga_istiqomah@prismas.co.id
Telp : (021) 5229916 - 21

lowongan @ khong guan

We are a looking for competence candidates to serve a well established
and fast-growing food companies dealing with biscuit product as follow :

General Requirement :

- Male, max. 35 years old
- S1/S2 degree in economic, marketing or any related discipline
- Minimal 3 years experience in related position, preferably in
consumer goods
- Being able to come up with marketing campaign
- Being able to lead a team and follow though the campaign
- Fluent in English (both written & spoken) and Mandarin will be an
- Good analytical thinking, leadership, team work and negotiation skills
- Willing to travel
Send your application letter, a detailed CV and recent photograph with
position code on the upper left of envelope no later than 2 weeks to:

HRD Department KHONG GUAN GROUPGedung Wirausaha Lt. 6Jl. HR Rasuna Said
Kav. C-5, Jakarta 12940Or by e-mail to : hrd@khongguan.co.id

lowongan @ Rekso Group

Rekso Group is a progressive national holding company with business
interests in Beverage Industry (PT Sinar Sosro), Tea Industry (PT
Gunung Slamat), Plantation (PT Agro Pangan Putra Mandiri), Wellness (PT
Puri Tirta Kencana), Packaging (PT Sinar Jati Mulya Gemilang) and
Property (PT Adhi Putra Mulia).
We are looking for highly qualifield individuals with strong
personality & integrity to join our team in various locations in
Indonesia for the following positions :

- Legal Manager (LLM)
- GM Sales & Distribution (GMS)
- Training Manager (TRM)
- HRD Manager (HRM)
- Accounting/Finance Manager (AFM)
- ERP Manager (ERM)
- Production Manager (PEM)
- Property Manager (PRM)
- Brand Manager (BM)
- QA Manager (QA)
General Requirements :

- Bachelor or Master Degree in relevant discipline from a leading
university (local and overseas).
- Minimum 10 years of experience in reputable companies with minimum 5
yers of experience in managerial position.
- Maximum 38 years old
- Good spoken and written in English, Mandarin or Japanese will be an
- Computer literate and able to handle presentation material.
- Good in commucation, presentation, interpersonal, technical,
analytical and problem solving skills.
Please send your application, CV, and recent photograph (with position
code on upper left corner of the envelope) no later than 2 week after
the placement of this advertisement to :


lowongan @ PT. Shell Indonesia

Shell is a business that's built on ideas. We believe that for every
problem, there's a solution-that anything can be done if we put our
minds to it. Turn gas to liquid? Difficult but not impossible. Make
coal burn as cleanly as gas? With a bit of original thinking, yes.
Shell operates in over 140 countries and territories and employs more
than 109,000 people, and is best known to the public for its
high-quality lubricants, fuel service stations and for exploring and
producing oil and gas on land and offshore.

Operating in Downstream Oil Products, Shell Indonesia serves business
and motorist market segments. PT. Shell Indonesia, manages the business
operations that include marketing and trading lubricants directly as
well as through its appointed distributors.

Shell Indonesia has recorded a new milestone in history with the
official opening of the first retail outlet in Karawaci, Tangerang.
Shell is the first international oil company in Indonesia's fuels
retail business after 40 years.

The Shell fuels retail outlets have modern, fast flowing pumps,which
provide a digitally printed receipt as manifestation of our commitment
to provide high quality products with accurate quantity andthe best
service. Shell has aspirations to increase its number of retail outlets
in Jakarta and other parts of Indonesia.

We are currently recruiting top calibre individuals to join our team in
the following positions:

- Business Assurance Manager
- Operations Excellence Manager
- Retail Business Development Analyst
- Real Estate Acquisition Manager (Medan)
- Retail Marketing Manager
- Retail Territory Manager (Medan)
- Retail Sales Support Analyst
Supply and Distribution is dedicated to getting the right products to
the right place at the right time. It's involved in both the transport
and delivery of finished product to Shell's Downstream marketing
businesses and customers, and the acquisition and delivery of
feedstocks to Shell refineries and chemical plants.

We are currently recruiting top calibre individuals to join our team in
the following positions:

- Engineering and Construction Project Manager
- Facility Engineer
- Senior Engineering Manager
- Terminal Manager (East Kalimantan)
- Terminal Manager (Medan)
- Terminal Manager (South Kalimantan)
Shell is the foremost player in the industrial lubricants market. Shell
is the leader and innovator, capable of fulfilling a varienty of
enginee types and requirements, such as hydravlic engine, gears,engine
equipments, compressors and turbines. Shell provides a range of
lubricant products that has been specially developed to fulfil the
specific requirements of each industry such as mining, cement and
electric power generator.

We are currently recuiting top calibre individuals to join our team in
the following positions:

- Industrial Lubricants Marketing Manager
- Industrial Lubricants Sales Manager
- Mining Account Manager (Balikpapan)
- Regional Sales Manager (Jakarta)
- Regional Logistics Manager (Singapore/Malaysia /Indonesia)
Shell Indonesia's compensation and benefits package is designed to
recognise the experience and expertise of top talented professionals.

If you can apply clear thinking to some of the world's biggest energy
challenges, there is a great future for you at Shell.

For more infomation and apply online, please visit
www.shell.com/careers-> Professionals- > Job Search->Region- > Asia.
Please quote reference XIO084B when applying.

Closing Date: June 4, 2008 Shell is an Equal Opportunity Employer

PT. Shell Indonesia Ratu Prabu Building 1Jl. TB. Simatupang No.
20Jakarta 12560, Indonesia

lowongan @ PT. ZTE Indonesia

PT. ZTE Indonesia as subsidiary company of ZTE Corporation is one of
the leading telecommunication solution suppliers based on China,
providing total solution to telecom carriers worldwide. ZTE's over
26.000 employees are working in more than 70 countries and regions in
Asia, America, Europe, Africa, etc. In coping with our expansion in
local market depending on our Indonesia large project demand, ZTE is
looking for outstanding employees in Indonesia to fill in the vacant
positions of:
1. CDMA&GSM Network: MSS, BSS RF Engineers (TSE-ALL)* Bachelor Degree
or above in Telecommunication, Electronics, electrical or equivalence.
Minimum 2 years of experience in CDMA, GSM or IT,preferably with
multinational telecommunication companies. Shall be able to work under
stress to meet deadlines. Be responsible for project implementation and
product maintenance.

2. TECHNICIAN-CDMA, GSM, SDH, Fixed network (TECH-ALL)* Minimum 2 years
of relevant work experience, preferably with multinational
telecommunication companies. Conduct installation of telecommunications
equipment. Terminal trouble shooting and repairing. Customer complaint
dealing. Online customer technical support.

Bachelor's Degree or above in management or Human resources minimum 1
years experience in outsourcing or human resources management. Planning
and manage all matters abouts outsourcing. Be able to communicate and
cooperate well with other,continous improvement orientation, a strong
sense of responsibilities.

basic technical background to communicate with technical support. Has
background with customer service center especially call center
preferred. Has problem management and change management related work
experience is an added advantage. For Manager have minimum of 3 years
working experience in related field.

5. PURCHASING ASSISTANT MANAGER (PAM-JKT)* Bachelor degree or above in
Communication, Electronics, Trade, Commercial or related discipline.
Over 3 years' working experience of engineering management in the
telecomunication industry, trade and commercial experience, technical
work experience and experience of subcontractors management. Have
Communication Network knowledge, familiar with the flow of flow of
subcontractor' s management.

6. DOCUMENT CONTROL (DC-MKS/BJM/ BLK)* Organizes the day-to-day
activities of documentation. Ensures the information is updated daily.
Ensures and control bank documents filed in connection with the
company's rules and settings. Data entry of database report and update
consistently. Degree in Management/Administ rations is required. At
least 1 years experience in managing documentation and filling.

7. ADMIN ASSISTANT/ SECRETARY(ADM/ SEC-JKT)* Female below 30 years old,
Working experience at least 2 years in related field. Have a diploma
degree at least D3. Responsible for Office administration working
experience at least 2 years in related fields. Have a diploma degree at
least D3. Responsible for Office administration work, translation,
hotel & car reservation, etc. Mandarin language active for read & write.

8. OIL PALM PLANTATION MANAGER (OPP-ALL)* Degree in Electrical Food
Technology, Industrial Engineering or other Engineering is required. At
least 5 years experience in oil palm plantation business. Familiar with
knowledge from Land Preparation, Soil Analysis, Seed Origin & Botany,
Palm Management to Factory Planning, CPO Processing.

9. HR SPECIALIST/MANAGER (HR-JKT)* Bechelor's degree or above in HRM or
management with a minimum of 5 years experience with at least 2 years
in a similar function in a mediumt to large size organization. Current
knowledge of all relevant Telecommunication/ IT related HR practices
locally as well as internationally.

Electronics/ Telecommunicatio n/Project Management or equivalent. More
than 3 years' experience in telecom industry and as project
Coordinator. Assist PM to Manage, supervise overall delivery of the
project and also to establish project governance and its deliverables,
including financials and objectives.

11. ACCOUNT MANAGER (AM-JKT)* At least 3 years experience in managing
key accounts and special projects from a telecommunication company.
Good communication, presentation, negotiation and leadership skills.
Plan and achieve sales target, account penetration, customer
satisfaction and retention. Analyze project proposals.

Logistics/Trade/ Economics or equivalent. Take charge distribution
equipment (BTS,BSC,MSC, HLR equipment) to the site. Manage inventory
management for main warehouse, region warehouse, and spare part

Logistics/Trade/ Economics or equivalent. Over 3 years' work experience
in logistics/forwarder s,especially have clearance custom experience.
Responsible for clearance custom until take out all cargo from custom.

14. PLN COORDINATOR (PLN-MKS/BJM/ BLK)* Having good conecction with
PLN/Power Government Company is preferred. Degree in Electrical
Engineering or other Engineering is required. At least 1 years
experience in PLN/Power Government Company.

15.PROJECT CONTROLLER (PCR-JKT)* To prepare regular reports, gathering
and summarizing data, information updates, departmental mothly.
Expenditure forecast and processing of expenses claims. Provide
administrative support. Working experience at least 2 years in related

16. PROJECT COMMERCIAL ASSISTANT (PCA-JKT)* Organize or invite public
bidding invitation for purchasing production materials. Set up bidding
organizational guidelines, bid evalution standards and conduct bidding
result analysis and conclusion. A Bachelor's degree holder with in
Trade or commercial contract laws. At least 2 years working experience
related to international trede or international project bidding in the
telecommunications industry is preferred.

17. SERVICE SALES (SS-JKT)* Bachelor, computer or communication
industry relative. More than 1 year of maintenance experience or
after-sales in communication industry. Able to work well independently,
in large or small teams. Good communication skills, Commitment and
self-motivation, ready to work in a challenging environment.

Logistics/Trade/ Economics or equivalent. Supervise, control and adjust
regional logistic operations in general. Provide supports for the
smooth implementation of business projects.

19. FINANCE & ACCOUNTING MANAGER (FAM-JKT)* Hold bechelor degree or
above from accounting/finance. Minimum 5 years accounting experience in
MNC including at least 3 years on management level. Design the
accounting policy based on Indonesia GAAP and CHINA GAAP. Manage &
supervise all activities in Accounting Dept, including
GL,AR,AP,INV, FA,payroll, tax etc.

in Telecommunication, strong telecommunication background with at least
2 years of experience in CDMA,GSM,Fixed Network, Has excellent teaching
experience and telecom equipment maintenance background, Chinese
language is an advantage.

Proficiency in English is a must for all the positions and Mandarin is
an value added.Please bring your resume completely (CV,recent
photograph, photocopy of ID Card, certificate and academic transcript)
during the walk in interview process and please quote job reference
code and the region code you wish to apply as a letter subject
(e.g.:FAM-JKT) or you can send email to: hrindonesia@zte.com.cn or
Visit Our Website: www.zte.com.cn

WALK IN INTERVIEW :DAY & DATE : Saturday 24 May 2008 and Sunday 25 May
2008 Time : 09.00 AM - 05.00 PMVenue : The East Building, 26th Floor,
Lingkar Mega Kuningan, Kav. E3.2 No. 1, South Jakarta 12950

lowongan @ PT. Dawee Electronic Indonesia

PT. Dawee Electronic Indonesia salah satu perusahaan industri saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang akan ditempatkan pada posisi
Staff Engineering,
Kualifikasi :
a.) Pria
b.) Umur 23-30 Thn
c.) Pendidikan S1
d.) Teknik Mesin, Elektro, Industri, Kimia
e.) Bisa AutoCad
Staff PPIC,
Kualifikasi :
a.) Pria
b.) Umur 23-30 Thn
c.) Pendidikan S1
d.) Menguasai Autocad
e.) Teknik Mesin, Elektro, Industri, Kimia
Staff Wharehouse,
Kualifikasi :
a.) Pria
b.) Umur 23-32 Thn
c.) Semua Jurusan
d.) Pengalaman 2th di bidang WH

Cantumkan subject lamaran Anda, Lamaran di kirim ke alamat email jobit@dawee.co.id, paling lambat 4 minggu.

lowongan @ ABN AMRO

We are looking for call center officers with qualification as follow:

1. Male/Female (preferably male)
2. Max. age 28 y.o
3. S1 any major discipline
4. Min. 1 year working experience in call center/phone banking (banking
and credit card product)
5. Good in English (written and speaking)
6. Well handed in computer skill (min. MS Office)
7. Willing to work in shift
8. Willing to work on the contract basis
9. Job location in Pondok Indah (Jakarta Selatan)

Please send your application letter, cv and recent photograph by email to:
ellys.permanasari@id.abnamro.com and only shortlisted candidate will be

lowongan @ GOAL.com Indonesia

GOAL.com Indonesia

GOAL.com represents the biggest football community in the world, with 18 language editions covering over 210 countries.

The Indonesian edition
is growing rapidly, with traffic increasing by as much as 41,76 percent
March and April 2008, and we look forward to expand the team in

We are urgently seeking the young, talented and experienced for


* The successful candidate will assist the Chief Editor in managing the website's international football content.
* Brainstorm on new ideas to drive traffic to our website.
* Ensure content is up-to-date, particularly international football news.
* Write news reports, fact-checking, copy-edit and proofread content for our website.

• Male/Female, max 35 years old.
• Having at least 3 years experience in journalism.
* Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
* Strong news sense and an eye for detail.
* Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
* Possess initiative and able to work independently.
* Familiar with content management systems.

For interested qualified candidates, please send your updated resume with
photograph no later than 31 May 2008, to bima.said@goal.com Please
put the position code: GID-AE in your e-mail subject.


* The successful candidate will report to the Assistant Editor.
* Write interesting articles on various international as well as local football topics.
* Pitch interesting content ideas.

• Male/Female, max 30 years old.
• Having at least 2 years experience in a similar capacity.
• Excellent writing skills in Bahasa Indonesia.
• Excellent English and Bahasa Indonesia.
• A fast learner and committed to self improvement.
• Efficient, committed and dedicated, able to work well under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
* Willingness to travel.

For interested qualified
candidates, please send your updated resume with photograph no later
than 31 May 2008, to bima.said@goal.com Please
put the position code: GID-OJ in
your e-mail subject.

* Only shortlisted candidates who meet the qualifications will be notified.
* Attractive salary (in Euro currency) will be offered to the right candidate.
* Failure to follow instructions will result in Immediate and permanent removal of your application.


Mensa Group (www.mensa-group. com) membutuhkan staf:

FINANCE & ACCOUNTING (Lokasi Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat)

a.Lulusan minimal D3 Akuntansi
b.Fresh Graduate/ Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
c.Mampu berbahasa Inggris dan diutamakan mengerti bahasa Mandarin.

Kirim lamaran Anda ke:
Email: recruitment.group@mensa.co.id

lowongan Receptionist

Receptionist dengan kriteria :
* Wanita Single
* Usia s/d 28 tahun
* Minimum D 3
* Penampilan menarik
Datang langsung Senin s/d Jum'at dari pukul 08.00 s/d 15.00 sampai tanggal 30 Mei 2008 membawa Surat lamaran, CV & Foto terbaru ke :
Vera Blandina
PT. Arthaloka Indonesia
Gedung Arthaloka lantai 17
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 2
Jakarta Pusat
Telp : 021-2512481
Email : blandina_04@yahoo.com


We are a Shipping company that understand shipping, logistics and give potential hazards, ensuring innovative solutions, efficiency, cost effectiveness and on time delivery. Our best ambassadors are our clients, so what we can do for you is best illustrated by what we have done for others.

We challange you to join with this company as an OPERATION OFFICER.

1.Male, age max. 35 yo
2. Experienced in Shipping/Mines company min.2 years
3. Experienced in sail for 5 years
4. Experience in Project Business Developement
5.Holding Master of CH Mate License
6. Able to work immediately
7. Willing to travel

1. Monitorin & handling operation matters
2. Atending vessel when load/discharging
3. Travelling for survey and project

If you able to fulfill those requirements, please send your resume immediately to tjshipping_recruitment@yahoo.com, not more than 26 May 2008

lowongan SALES STAFF

Klien kami, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang komputer di
Jakarta, membuka lowongan bagi beberapa tenaga profesional untuk
mengisi posisi sebagai "SALES STAFF" (Kode: SS), dengan persyaratan sbb:

- Pria / Wanita, usia max. 30 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal D3, diutamakan Ilmu Komputer
- Dapat mengoperasikan komputer
- Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di bidang penjualan minimal 1 tahun
- Komunikatif dan menarik

- Status kepegawaian: karyawan tetap (permanen)
- Penempatan: Jakarta
- Ada gaji tetap dan komisi penjualan

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap Anda paling lambat tanggal 2 Juni 2008, melalui email ke : mantidi.jp@cbn.net.id dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di subject email

Hanya pelamar yang sesuai dengan kriteria diatas yang akan di proses.



We are a fast growing company inviting professionals to fulfill below challenging position:


- Male/Female, max.35 years old

- Bachelor degree in Physics/Electro Engineering/ Technical

- Experience min.2 years in business & development for Solar Cell products &


- Good knowledge in Solar Cell products


¡ü Min. GPA 3,00 ¡ü Computer literate ¡ü Fluency in English

¡ü Strong Analysis ¡ü Good Communication skills ¡ü Good team player

¡ü Self motivated

If you are interested in career opportunity with us,

please submit your CV/resume, the latest photo,

and put the position you applied as an email subject

Email to:


lowongan Staf Akuntansi dan Keuangan

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang konsultan IT membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :

Staf Akuntansi dan Keuangan

Kualifikasi :

- Wanita, max 30 tahun.

- Pendidikan D3/ S1 Akuntansi

- Memiliki pengalaman min. 1 tahun di posisi yang sama.

- Dapat membuat laporan keuangan.

- Mengerti tentang perpajakan.

- Mampu mengelola anggaran dan keuangan.

- Diutamakan mampu mengoperasikan program accounting ( ABIPRO ).

- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.

CV lengkap dapat dikirimkan ke : hrd@tatasolusi.co.id

Atau ke alamat :

PT. Tata Bisnis Solusi

Jl. Alaydrus no.73B

Jakarta Pusat 10130